Transcript: Donald Trump's Taped Comments About Women | The New York Times | 10.06.16
Trump's 'zero-tolerance' immigration policy still violates fundamental human rights laws |Jeffrey Davis | Business Insider
Donald Trump lies...a lot
The Latest Voter-Fraud Lie | The Editorial Board | The New York Times | 02.15.17
President Trump's Lies, The Definitive List | by David Leonhardt and Stuart A. Thompson | The New York Times | 06.23.17
FBI releases file on 1970s Trump housing discrimination case | by Michael Kranish | The Washington Post | 02.15.17
Link to FBI File (PDF) - Trump Management Company
Donald Trump's long history of racism, from the 1970's to 2016. Trump has repeatedly claimed he's not at all racist. Here's what his history shows. | by German Lopez | Vox | 02.16.17
John Lewis says Donald Trump isn't a legitimate president, and Trump hits back hard | by Aaron Blake | The Washington Post | 01.14.17